Your generous donations help to keep us operating, so we are able to save more lives!
Monetary Donations
Please make any check or money order payable to Namaste Equine Rescue, and send to:
Namaste Equine Rescue
1904 51st Drive
Union Grove, WI 53182
You can also donate through PayPal here:
If you would like a receipt for the donation, please mail the request along with the donation, or contact us at
Item Donations
Do you have any gently used items to donate? We would be happy to accept the following:
- blankets
- bridles, saddles, halters
- grooming equipment
- buckets
- stall cleaning equipment
Please note: Any edible items for donation must be approved by a Namaste board member.
Time Donations
Would you like to help us update our property or run a fundraiser? Please see our volunteer page.
Thank You
So many of you have donated your time, money and items to help make this dream a reality!
First and foremost, we would specially like to thank the Martha Morse Beck Von Peccoz Animal PLC Foundation for their generous donation! We could not function without you or without our other donors:
- Laura DeGroot
- Deborah Guthrie
- Terri Waschtisch
- Kelly Grant
From the bottom of our hearts, the Namaste Equine Rescue family would like to say thank you!